Thursday, 12 November 2020 Case Studies

Wolverton Street Site Water Management

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Who: Brian Perry Civil, MWN Civil

Products: PMXST05000, PMXBT25000MG, PMXBT30000MG

Where: Wolverton Street, Auckland

What: One of the challenges faced at the Wolverton Street culvert construction site was dirty ground water which needed to be removed and cleaned to keep the project running smoothly.

Promax provided a solution where the dirty ground water is pumped into the Promax Enduro 30000L tank, then is pumped into the silt screen to clean the water, before being pumped into the Promax Enduro 5000L tank as a settling tank.

Given the ongoing water restrictions in Auckland, Promax customised the 5000L tank with a high overflow which allows full use of the 5000L for site use such as dust suppression and pilings, without drawing any from the Watercare system.

Smart move. Ground water which needs to be removed in any case is cleaned and re-used while the rest of the site water is put back, downstream of the culvert, as clean water.