To make things easier for you, we've collected some helpful downloads designed to give you insight and information.

Over the years we’ve come across most situations in Water Storage and love working with our clients to provide a solution which helps them achieve their specific objectives. Please get in touch with our team if you can't find what you need below.
Note: Tank Drawings, Modification Plans and Product Specification and Maintenance Plans can also be viewed on downloads tab on individual product pages. 

General Downloads

Promax Full Specifiers Pack
Promax ENDURO Underground Specifiers Pack
Promax Slimline Specifiers Pack

Product Specific Downloads

Code Description O&M Guide Mod Plan Drawings
ENDURO Underground Tank 3,000 Ltr 1.0m
ENDURO Underground Tank 2,000 Ltr 1.0m
ENDURO Super Duty Underground Tank 10,000 Ltr 1.0m
ENDURO Super Duty Underground Tank 9,000 Ltr 1.0m
ENDURO Super Duty Underground Tank 8,000 Ltr 1.0m
ENDURO Super Duty Underground Tank 7,000 Ltr 1.0m
ENDURO Super Duty Underground Tank 6,000 Ltr 1.0m
ENDURO Super Duty Underground Tank 5,000 Ltr 1.0m
ENDURO Super Duty Underground Tank 4,000 Ltr 1.0m